I am an experienced web developer & Interaction Designer. I have a strong passion for design detail, aesthetics and create stimulating and fluid user experiences. My goal as a designer is to create exciting human-computer interactions which are both innovative and intuitive but, above all else, inspire others.
My other passions include: rock climbing, snowboarding, travel & culture, tinkering with technology and meeting interesting people.
Work History
A web development agency based in London, Shed have built applications for a large and diverse range of clients, including a Dragon’s Den finalist. We specialize in high powered, and efficient web applications, websites and mobile apps.
Lead developer at this [then] small, independant digital marketing agency in London. I managed the production of all web builds including many parts of the creative and design processes plus the management of internal and external resource.
HelloPablo was the identity I used when doing commercial freelance work. I stopped trading as HelloPablo once Shed Collective was formed. I still maintain this identity for personal projects and my portfolio.
Noteable Projects
An opensource PHP framework and toolkit to make developing powerful PHP websites an absolute breeze.
More coming soon!
There are more, I promise - just need to find time to write them up/make a microsite.
Interactive Media Design BSc (Hons), First Class
2010, University of Dundee, Scotland