• Fake Terminal

    Demo | Source Old Code - don't judge me!

    A small plugin to generate a fake terminal on your website. Easily extendable to add support for your own commands.

    Go on, I dare you to be childish and rude in the demo.

  • FramePlayer

    Demo | Source Old Code - don't judge me!

    FramePlayer is a simple javascript player for playing frame-based animations supplied as JSON arrays. It also supports "streaming" and is entirely event driven. Almost.

  • Wide Slide

    Demo | Source Old Code - don't judge me!

    WideSlide is a slider designed to scale with the browser window. I needed something which was capable of showing not only super wide images (without scrollbars) but within which I could put any HTML.

  • Coda Slider

    Demo | Source Old Code - don't judge me!

    On numerous occasions I have had a need (or desire) to reproduce Panic's Coda Slider. I found a very nice tutorial on code For Designers and thought it would be good idea to create a plugin for this.

  • StreetView Animator

    Demo | Source Old Code - don't judge me!

    A simple plugin for easily creating simple streetview animations or for stitching together beautifully complex scenes, dynamically.

  • YouIdiotThisIsHowItsTyped

    Demo | Source Old Code - don't judge me!

    While moving house I decided it would be a smart idea to sell all my junk on eBay. I sold about 50 items. While packaging up stuff it AMAZED me how many people are lazy and don't capitalise their name, address or even their postcode. As it happens this is a massive pet peeve of mine.

  • simpleFlickrSlidr

    Demo | Source Old Code - don't judge me!

    This plugin is a tool which writes the markup for a nivoSlider based on the contents of a Flickr photoset or gallery. All you supply is your Flickr API key and the ID of the photoset or gallery (and optionally choose which method you're using) and let the plugin take over.